Monday, April 11, 2011

True2Life : Liver Detox -Days 6-30 .... No Bueno!!!

So.... I know it's been a while ;p My bad. Short story shorter..... I've finished the detox and although my liver is now cleansed and my energy level has increased, I have lost.... get ready...... the desire to continue ;p I can't say much for the weight loss part, but as far as the product goes, the cleansing my liver and kidneys part ...... It did just that. I'm still taking the enzymes and the true boosts and it's keeping me pretty regular. I haven't lost any more weight, but I haven't gained any either. Personally, I would wait for the product to be out a little longer and the price to go down. I can say, that if followed correctly, without customizing, I think the product will help in the long run.

My husband and I are being a little more active. We go for walks a little more often and I've started to play volleyball again. I surprised myself the other day when I started playing and did OK ;p. I do notice a difference in my health since the detox and I'm glad we tried it out. It all comes down to what we already know we have to do..... there really is no simpler way...... follow the WORD OF WISDOM.... The Lord's Law of Health ;p Eat lots of fruits and veggies while eating meat SPARINGLY ;p..... get lots of rest, without being a sloth, exercise, stay away from drugs (diet pills), and treat your body like a TEMPLE. Amen ;p

I think I'm kinda diggin' this blogging thing ;p  Much love!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

True2Life : Liver Detox -Day 5

Chocolate shake for bfst and dinner.....yummy =) and for Lunch I had a savory chicken breast (filleted) over a bed of delicious brown rice mixed with hot salsa. For my veggies, I had planned to eat a small romaine salad with the other half of my fillet, but I wasn't hungry anymore. (new.... doesn't usually

I've already beat my own record on the longest I've ever been on a diet =). Woohoo.... somebody get me a cookie....j/k ;p....I did however, eat a couple of Malted Easter eggs and a bite size Reese's cup. I know what you're thinking..... I faka'apumeauma...... But it's ok. Trial and error right? "Learning doesn't happen from failure itself, but rather from analyzing the failure, making a change, and then trying again."(-Coding Horror)

Analyzing the failure: In the past, If I didn't see results fast enough, I convinced myself that it wasn't working and that it was a waste of time. Making the change: Support is muy importante...Instead of doing it alone, my husband is doing it with me. When I'm weak, he's strong. When he's weak.... we'll.... then we got j/k... believe it or not, he needs my help sometimes too. ;p But most important, is to realize that, If I want to enjoy life and do everything The Lord needs me to do while I'm here, I need to get my act together. Remember when I was talking about organizing myself? I read somewhere that eating at the same time everyday gets my body into a routine. Eating @ the same time everyday means pooping @ the same time every day. Then SLEEP... we need it just as much as we need food. Kinda gives new insight to "Eat, sh%$#!, sleep."....;p Trying again: I'm gonna  "...dust myself off and try agian." (-Aaliyah)  All my life I've struggled with my weight. As a youth and young adult, as long as guys were still trying to get at me, I was alright. I used to tell myself, "If he really loves me, he'll accept me for who I am, not for what I look like." As luck would have it..... my husband said what hooked him was my dimples and derriere.... The ;p I love him so much!!

I'm still excited & still feel good. It hasn't gotten any easier, but I can see my progression. Not in inches or lbs. But  in MIND. And that's really where it all has to start. Instead of talking myself into a negative state, I really am starting to LOVE MYSELF. Not in the sense where I think I'm ALL THAT.... but in realizing that this body was given to me because of a choice I made before I received it. I've been entrusted with this body & I'm expected to use it ONLY for good. But for so many years, it's been stretched and beaten and has gone through a few experiences NO  BODY should ever have to go through. But I'm GRATEFUL!!! Grateful to know that this body was, at one time, PERFECT and will be again.... maybe not in this life.... we'll see ;p.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

True2Life : Liver Detox -Day 4

Woke up to my husband's text letting me know he was on his way home. What does that mean? BAHREAKFAAAAST.....woohoo ;p With the products from the program I haven't felt any hunger, something I'm def not used to But I'm lovin' this energy. It's been a while since I've gone a whole day without being tired or wanting to take a nap.

The program provides "True Boost" energy packs. Suppresses the appetite while giving a little bit of a charge.... tastes pretty good too. And, we can snack now. So Every 2-3 hrs in between meals I snack on a handful of almonds or berries. Thank goodness for the "True Boost". Cause a few nuts and berries, come on? It's like trying to feed a whale a jelly-bean ;p That one was for you Marv ;p He told me that once when I borrowed the burban and took it back with no gas. lol.... Marv: Did you put gas in? Me: yeah, I put $5 in. Marv: What? That's like asking a Whale to get full off of a jelly bean. ;p Oh how I miss that guy! I love you Marv! Wish you were here.

For lunch, steamed lobster and a very crisp romaine salad w/ a raspberry vinegarette..... in a word.... YUM!!! Took my truezyme and lots of water. Apparently, the foods we consume lose a lot of their enzymes (helps with digestion) from being over processed. Note to self: to preserve enzymes, grow your own veggies.... live on a farm. ;p  For dinner, Chocolate shake. We visited my in-laws today, so it helped pass the time.

I'm really diggin' this "True2Life" thing. My advise, stay busy, watch less TV and stay out of the kitchen as much as possible. ;p A very wise uncle of mine once said, "If you wanna eat da boat, eat da boat. If you wanna eat da house, eat da house." Don't eat da boat! Love you Uncle Siva =)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

True2Life : Liver Detox -Day 3

Today was Grrrrrreat! Woke up, released some NASTY and it felt so..... CLEANSING!!! ;p Had a Chocolatey breakfast, jumped on the bike, jumped a little rope...;p and worked on my "Relief Society" jiggles with my Shake Weight. Had a date with a good looking plate for lunch - A beautifully cooked chicken breast, steamed broccoli, brown rice and hot salsa. It was ooooooh so yummy! Amazingly, it held me over!

Going to work today was the 1st time I was without my husband since we started. I have to say....temptation was definitely knockin'. Why when I went to work they had pizza from H.H. Pizza Co.? Only my favorite pizza place ......and to top it off.... pepperoni and jalapeno....another one of my faves! hmmm and you wonder why I'm in this predicament! lol  ..... What the herr? That Satan..... he THINKS he's sooo slick.... but I overcame that temptation and kept right on working. Only, my co-workers didn't see me eating the pizza and they kept reminding me it was there....bless their hearts. I'm the youngest in my office.... so I tend to get just a little spoiled ;p

For dinner, another chocolate delight mixed with berries and glistening crushed ice.... yup....another shake ;p Right now It's about the same time I had my craving dilemma last night. You know.... I'm doing alright! I snacked on some roasted unsalted almonds at about 8:30pm and I'm not getting any cravings. I am however, very tired and can't wait to knock the @#%! out!

I'm learning a lot going through all of this. I'm not sure why this particular diet is different, but it seems to be working. Perhaps it's like the gospel.... a way of life. Maybe it's because I have wonderful support? Maybe it's the product? Whatever it is..... It's working. Before I know it.... I'll be writing about day 30. I'm hoping and praying I get to that point. I don't think I've ever seen any diet plan through to the end. Hope this is the 1st..... and the last ;p

The scriptures teach us that we are to organize ourselves, not just our homes, but every aspect of life, beginning with our homes. Don't get me wrong, every beat down I got as a kid, every scolding, came with good intentions. But my Momma in the kitchen.....was a sin! ;p Her cooking would put Paula Deane to shame ;p.... lol. We ate what was made and as good as it was, it was so unhealthy. It probably didn't help to be bribed with a snickers every time mom had to go to "school".... ya'll know what I'm talkin'... ;p and if you don't.... sorry bout it! ;p I miss my mom! 

Mom's love your children, teach them to love themselves enough to care about their health. Like Bida would always tell us when we're about to stuff our faces...."Do you love yourself?" Lately I've been telling myself....yes! So, thanks for the reminder Bida!

Love God, Love your neighbor, and love yourself!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

True2Life : Liver Detox -Day 2

Another successful day! My suggestion.... GO TO SLEEP EARLY! ;p

Day 2 started off with 6oz. of Nasty-but-bearable again ;p And once again, NASTY comin' out! Love it! For lunch we had a Chocolate "True2life Shake". 8oz water + 1/2 c. ice + 1/2 sm green apple + 2 scoops powder = about 12oz of "Hold me over for the rest of the day!" Add about a gallon of water to that, and you're sittin' on top of a throne..... a Porcelain Throne that is! I'll tell you, if you're like me and you wanna see results fast.... this is as fast as they come. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't RUNNING to the restroom, more of a briskful walk ;p See that, diet and exercise all in one! ;p

The true test was when we went to Wal-mart to shop for today's lunch. OMG.... I saw those Cheetos (my fave) and I was ready to sell my soul! ;p BUT..... a vision of me in some "Apple-Bottom Jeans, Boots with the fur ....." quickly took my craving away! We walked around and got our chicken, fish, fat free dressings, salsa, salad and well..... you get my drift.... all those good for you foods. But you know, looking at all of our items, we're gonna be eating some really good tasting food.... and it's good for us. I read somewhere that 80% of our appetite is based on what we see. So.... I'm gonna do my best to make 400 calories, look as good as 1400 calories ;p I think the trick is a colorful plate! You ever see how the plates at those fancy restaurants look, but the portion is so small? The chicken breasts we bought last night are 100 calories each..... filet that mugh in half and you got 2 pieces of chicken. Dress her up with Mrs. Dash, surround her with tall, dark and steamed broccoli, some brown rice and you got a date with a good looking plate!

I feel so GOOD! Today, I went looking for my tennis-shoes in the closet and I was able to bend over for more than 5 seconds without losing my breath ;p I know rite.... yeah... it was that bad! ;p I dusted those girls off and we worked it out! But I really do feel good.... I have so much energy. And if you know me..... for the past 5 years.... I didn't have any energy. I couldn't even play my favorite sport I was in such bad shape. But those days are over! I see myself heading down a pathway of healthiness.

 My Will-power won the battle I was having with my cravings last night at about 11:30. I was watching TV to try and fall asleep and what do you know..... almost every commercial was about Cheetos! Like for reals....flipping through channels..... Coincidence.... I think NOT! That dang Satan.... He knew I was struggling last night, and remember when I said I was about to sell my soul in Wal-mart? Well, he offered me a contract and I was fighting with everything I had not to sign it! I fought so hard, I know the Lord stepped in because I turned that TV off and fell right to sleep. If you've ever spent the night with me (females only ;p) you know I can't fall sleep without my TV on. Note to Satan: "Get thee hence."

On to Day 3. I just want to thank my sister for being such a good cheerleader for my team! She gave me a "Magic Bullet" today! My shakes are gonna be that much better now. But most of all, I want to thank my Ever-so-Loving husband. He's been such a big help. I remind him about 3 times a day that he doesn't have to do it for me, and today he said "I'm not doing it "for" you, I'm doing it "with" you for me too." I truly believe that "somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good" (Song from Sound of Music) to have been blessed with such a humble, strong, and loving man. We are living life for today and trying not to go back to unhealthy habits. Tomorrow..... Day 4!

"Learn from the past, prepare for the future, live in the present" - Pres. Thomas S. Monson

Monday, February 28, 2011

True2Life : Liver Detox -Day 1

Have you ever been so sick and tired of being sick and tired? That's where I'm at right now. My sister talked me into trying out this liver cleanse. I figure.... hey.... why not?

I've been weighed and measured. Like for reals, I should have been sick and tired 100 lbs and many inches ago. ;p I think I've tried just about every diet out there. But this is only my second cleanse. My 1st one was from the "FoodLoversFatloss" program..... I only lasted 4 of 10 days on that cleanse. ;p I'm on day 2 of this cleanse.... I seem to be ok.... so far! What's the difference between this cleanse and the other? My husband is doing it with me. ;p I just love him. I remind him that he doesn't have to, but he insists. And so begins our "Tru2life" journey....together!

Day 1 was a success! Light bfst, light lunch, then the products provided by the program -12oz of nasty but bearable..... and a bottle of yummy! After drinking 6oz of nasty, I was spewing out NASTY..... in other words.... my butt was talkin' crap all night! So, I'm in 1 bthrm and my husbands in the other....NO BUENO! lol.... Long and graphic story short..... I feel GREAT!!!! Just knowing that I'm getting rid of YEARS of toxicity comforts me and I'm really looking forward to a healthier life. Not to mention a brand new "FABULOUS" wardrobe. ;p

The cleanse is 30 days of step by step instruction, healthy products and training my body to eat better and be more active. For 5 years the only activity I was doing was trying to master the art of "Making Babies" without making babies. ;p... FUN!!!!

In a nutshell...... 1 down, 29 to go.... days that is! I'm excited..... Wish me luck!!!